EnergyPlus V24 error reporting

asked Dec 11

kbk78's avatar

updated Dec 11

It appears that some error reporting is broken in the latest version of energyplus. Things like missing curves, node connection errors are causing EnergyPlus to just crash with no message. While earlier versions would output the error in the eplusout.err. Is this a known issue.

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@kbk78 can you upload your model (IDF) and weather file (EPW) to Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. and then share a URL for others to download? That would help others provide better solutions.

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( Dec 11 )

Here: HeatPumpWaterToAirEquationFit.idf I just took the HeatPumpWaterToAirEquationFit.idf that comes in the ExampleFiles folder and commented out the TotCoolCapCurve. This causes EnergyPlus to crash at least on my computer. Running with any weather file you have should replicate this.

kbk78's avatar kbk78  ( Dec 11 )

I think there is no error reporting because EnergyPlus crashed before the reporting was done.

The issue you found has been added here:

Please add additional details if I missed anything. As a crash, there is a good chance it will be fixed in the next version.

JasonGlazer's avatar JasonGlazer  ( Dec 19 )