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Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature differed from the one I inputted

asked Oct 24

Gardenia's avatar

updated Oct 24

Greetings. I just started using OpenStudio one month ago for building heating and cooling load simulations. I work with SketchUp 2024, OpenStudio Application 1.8.0, and EnergyPlus 24.1. I used climate data and selected the weather file "JPN_TK_Tokyo.Intl.AP-Haneda.AP.476710_TMYx.2009-2023," specifying 2019 as the coverage year. I found that the simulation results on outdoor air drybulb temperature were different from the one I inputted. I added an " AddOutputVariable " measure to output the "Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature" and translated the results into a CSV file by ReadVarsESO. However, as shown in the picture, the temperature on June 2 appears unrealistic, and it seems the entire timeline shifted to the right by about three days.image description

I have checked the EPW file using DView and reviewed the weather-related section of the Input Output Reference for EnergyPlus 24.1. I also checked the introduction of DView, but I still cannot identify the cause of this issue. I used Elements to check the epw file to see if there were any problems, and it kept the same chart as the DView's, so I thought there might be some issues with my os model.image descriptionimage description May somenoe kindly give some ideas which may leads it? I would happily share my model. Any guidance would be greatly model

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If you produce a SQL output file from EnergyPlus and open it in DView, I believe it will handle the design days correctly. Whereas if you are providing it a CSV file, DView can't possibly know there are design days so you'd have to remove them yourself.

shorowit's avatar shorowit  ( Oct 24 )

Thank you for your comment. I opened the sql file with DView, and the display issue still exists. It seems that the summer design day and winter design day data were plotted on the same day as the winter design day, and the unrealistic data came from the summer design day. When I removed the ddy file and only ran the epw, the problem disappeared. My boss prefers that I export all the data outputted as a csv file rather than viewing it directly, so I may export it and draw the charts myself using the csv file. Thank you very much!

Gardenia's avatar Gardenia  ( Oct 25 )

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answered Oct 24

If you're also running design days, then EnergyPlus (the simulation engine that OpenStudio Application is an interface for) will simulate those before using EPW weather data for the annual simulation. On the Site tab in OpenStudio Application, you can find the design days near the bottom. This would explain why you see a "time shift" for equal outdoor air drybulb values between the EPW file and output from OpenStudio occuring on different days.

See a post here for more details.

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Thank you for explaining the cause of the problem from the input source. I removed the degree day data, and the problem indeed disappeared. However, I need to use the load data from the design day to adjust my model. The eso file exported and converted to csv contains design day data in "IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM: Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling/Heating Energy." when inputting the ddy data. Perhaps I can simulate the annual run and the design days separately and then export the results for analysis. Thank you again for your very helpful comment.

Gardenia's avatar Gardenia  ( Oct 25 )

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Asked: Oct 24

Seen: 104 times

Last updated: Oct 24 '24