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The 2.696e308 is quite large number. EnergyPlus usually does not produce this large numbers, but when it does, the Results Viewer wont process the eso file.

You could manually edit the eso file in a notepad. Find line 13866 or 18156 that has this large number and remove the e308 suffix. This value editing should help with opening the eso in Results Viewer.

I have seen this issue in the past when working with water heaters. I don't know what detailed HVAC components you have in the model, but they probably should be sized differently.

Feel free to upload dsb and eso files here.

The 2.696e308 is quite large number. EnergyPlus usually does not produce this large numbers, but when it does, the Results Viewer wont process the eso file.

You could manually edit the eso file in a notepad. Find line 13866 or 18156 that has this large number and remove the e308 suffix. This value editing should help with opening the eso in Results Viewer.

I have seen this issue in the past when working with water heaters. I don't know what detailed HVAC components you have in the model, but they probably should be sized differently.

Feel free to Can you upload dsb and eso files