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For a reference on how the header should be edited, the EPW weather file format is here.

The values that follow "Heating,1,..." in the second line of the file for Design Conditions are best understood from the .stat file that accompanies the EnergyPlus Weather Converter epw files:

Design Stat ColdestMonth    DB996   DB990   DP996   HR_DP996    DB_DP996    DP990   HR_DP990    DB_DP990    
Units   {}  {∞C}    {∞C}    {∞C}    {}  {∞C}    {∞C}    {}  {∞C}    {m/s}   {∞C}    {m/s}   {∞C}    {m/s}   {deg}   
Heating 1   -4.6    -2.6    -12.6   1.3 -0.5    -9.7    1.7 1.9 9.9 10.8    8.9 8.4 2.6 310

DB = Dry Bulb, DP = Dew Point, HR = Relative Humidity, and the subsequent numbers refer to the percentiles.

I ended up changing the second value in Coldest Month to -15°C to set the design temp to 5°F.