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You may want to consider using our framework for large scale anaylsis, even if you are doing smaller runs. You can setup vagrant on your server instead of relying on third party hosting from Amazon.

I have an example programmatic modeling repository setup that uses a ruby rake task to generate the analysis json instead of an Excel spreadsheet. I use this approach for integration testing of a string of measures (more robust than the basic test that comes with each measure).

Here is a link to one of the example workflows. You could gather user input via a web interface to populate this.

Back to your specific issue, are you getting a specific ruby error, like the measure not finding OpenStudio?

You may want to consider using our framework for large scale anaylsis, even if you are doing smaller runs. You can setup vagrant on your server instead of relying on third party hosting from Amazon.

I have an example programmatic modeling repository setup that uses a ruby rake task to generate the analysis json instead of an Excel spreadsheet. I use this approach for integration testing of a string of measures (more robust than the basic test that comes with each measure).

Here is a link to one of the example workflows. You could gather user input via a web interface to populate this.

Back to your specific issue, are you getting a specific ruby error, like the measure not finding OpenStudio?