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I'm so sorry for taking so long to answer; the last couple of months have been quite hectic!

So, as mentioned back in December, it appears that newer versions of E+ log the EnergyPlus Completed Successfullymessages as errors - or at least that's what eppy seems to think.

This means that the q verbose mode is not actually silent, even if one's model is error-free, and this is potentially unwanted behavior in cases where eppy is used in conjunction with another module that also prints stuff to the console. For example, if you're running multiple E+ simulations with various IDF files in order to optimize a specific cariable, such as an HVAC setpoint, then it is useful to print relevant metrics at specified time intervals. However, if eppy is constantly printing stuf to the console, the output that actually matters is obscured by the aforementioned messages.

That being said, the above-mentioned behavior can be "fixed" as of eppy v0.5.57 by setting the verbose mode to s for "silent". This option differs from the usual q, since it redirects both stdout and stderr to null, as opposed to only the former. Of course, one must make sure that their model is error-free before using this functionality, since it completely disables all module output.

A usage example of the s mode would be the following:

eppy.modeleditor.IDF(idf_filepath, epw_filepath).run(output_directory=output_filepath, verbose="s").

Also, note that eppy v0.5.57 or later support both upper- and lower-case verbose modes, such that verbose="S" and verbose="s" are both valid.