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OpenStudio can import or export gbXML. You can do this from the OpenStudio SketchUp plugin using the "plugins" menu under "OpenStudio/Import" and "OpenStudio/Export". The stand alone OpenStudio application also offers this from the file menu.

Currently the feature set is generally focused on handling geometry, but it can be expanded over time. Here is a link to webinar that demonstrates both the import and export. webinar The OpenStudio section begins around 15 minute mark.

OpenStudio can import or export gbXML. You can do this from the OpenStudio SketchUp plugin using the "plugins" menu under "OpenStudio/Import" and "OpenStudio/Export". The stand alone OpenStudio application also offers this from the file menu.

Currently the feature set is generally focused on handling geometry, but it can be expanded over time. Here is a link to webinar that demonstrates both the import and export.export. It starts in AutoDesk Vasari, goes through OpenStudio, and then to Trane Trace" webinar The OpenStudio section begins around 15 minute mark.

OpenStudio can import or export gbXML. You can do this from the OpenStudio SketchUp plugin using the "plugins" menu under "OpenStudio/Import" and "OpenStudio/Export". The stand alone OpenStudio application also offers this from the file menu.

Currently the feature set is generally focused on handling geometry, but it can be expanded over time. Here is a link to webinar that demonstrates both the import and export. It starts in AutoDesk Vasari, goes through OpenStudio, and then to Trane Trace"Trace. webinar The OpenStudio section begins around 15 minute mark.