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These values, peak heating and cooling loads for each zone are reported by the default AllSummary report from EnergyPlus.

From the OpenStudio application, to access it you can click on the "Results tab" and to the top-right there's a button "Open ResultsViewer for Detailed Reports". It will open to this report.html page:

Open in resultsviewer

Otherwise, you may wish to open it by yourself in your preferred browser, which would also give you the distinct advantage of being able to use the search function (CTRL + F), it is located in NameOfYourModel\run\5-EnergyPlus-0\eplustbl.htm

You can poke around in this file, but I think you'll be interested in the HVAC Sizing Summary section, especially Zone Cooling and Zone Heating.

Note that you can use an OpenStudio measure to report this in IP units, but know that it will break the OpenStudio report (the graphs you see under the "Results tab" in openstudio) at least as of 1.6.0 (haven't tried again in 1.7.0).

In the same folder run\5-EnergyPlus you might be interested in the csv outputs:

  • eplusssz.csv is the result of the Sizing:System object.
  • epluszsz.csv is the results of the Sizing:Zone object