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From this Running EnergyPlus by Hand documentation for EP v9.0.1, you can type energyplus --help or man energyplus to see details for available CLI arguments.

From this CLI guide on GitHub, it doesn't explicitly say that there is a default setting for the -r or --readvars option.

If those two steps aren't giving enough help, then perhaps there is a " -r " in the file path of the EPW or IDF file you are using, and CLI is interpreting that as triggering the readvars option. Although, if that were the case, then your simulations would likely be failing and not finding the file in question correctly. Just to be safe, try enclosing EPW and IDF file names with "" to avoid that as a possible issue.

A final explanation is that you've found a bug in the Linux version of the CLI. I've done a few runs on my Windows CLI leaving out -r and it doesn't run Readvars, as desired.