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In version 9.1 the EAp2-1. Space Usage Type table shows the same area as the Building Area table at 6328.86 m2 and 2396.25 m2 for Regularly Occupied and Unconditioned Area respectively. I suggest getting the latest version to correct the EPa2-1 Space Usage Type table result.


In version 9.1 the EAp2-1. Space Usage Type table shows the same area as the Building Area table at 6328.86 m2 and 2396.25 m2 for Regularly Occupied and Unconditioned Area respectively. I suggest getting the latest version to correct the EPa2-1 EAp2-1 Space Usage Type table result.


In version 9.1 the EAp2-1. Space Usage Type table shows the same area as the Building Area table at 6328.86 m2 and 2396.25 m2 for Regularly Occupied and Unconditioned Area respectively. I suggest getting the latest version to correct the EAp2-1 Space Usage Type table result.

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