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This method can be used for water-to-water heat pumps, water-cooled chillers, water-to-water heat exchanges, water heaters, and any other objects that can be connected to two different water loops.

  1. Select the Heating Loop where you want the Heat Pump Water to Water (HPWtoW) on the Supply Side.
  2. Select "Library" and drag a HPWtoW onto the Supply Side.
  3. Rename the HPWtoW. In this example, it is renamed "HP Already On Supply Side." You don't technically need to do this, but it makes it easier to see that you are doing the following steps correctly.

    Step 1

  4. Select the Condenser Loop where you want the HPWtoW on the Demand Side.

  5. Select "My Model" and look in the HPWtoW section. You should see the renamed HPWtoW you already added to the Supply Side.
  6. Drag this HPWtoW onto the Demand Side of the Condenser Loop.
  7. If this has been done correctly, you should see black circles next to the HPWtoW icon on the loop. If you click these circles, you will jump back and forth between the Heating Loop and the Condenser Loop.

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