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For reference the primary results reporting in the OpenStudio application is just a reporting measure that happens to download from BCL when you first launch the application. Can can copy and modify that measure to change its behavior. But just to clarify what is currently there, energy normalized by area across all fuels is listed as EUI in the Building Summary of the Model Summary section. The Annual Overview table gives total consumption broken down by end use, or by fuel, but not normalized by area. Additionally it also has end use break down for each fuel type.

You could make minor modifications to a sightly altered copy of this measure to for example report the annual tables normalized by area vs. fuel type specific consumption units like (kWh) for electricity and (therms) for gas. Or you could modify or add a new EUI below the existing EUI that excludes district heating and cooling.

You can also look in the standard EnergyPlus eplustbl.html file that comes with the simulation. "The EAp2-17a Energy Use Intensity" tables give an EUI by fuel type already, but it is (MJ/m^2).