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The units of ft^3/min per ft^2 of exterior area, while not pretty, get reduced to ft/min by multiplying top and bottom by minutes, and then dividing each side by ft^2.

  • Looking at the average values for E office I see 490 m^3 x 0.206 ACH for roughly 100 m^3/hour of infiltration, or roughly 59 CFM.
  • For the minimum I show 490 m^3 x 0.07 ACH for roughly 34 m^3/hour or 20 CFM.

At first it seems strange that the minimum value from the table is lower than the time series plot, but my first question would be what is the simulation timestep and what is the plot timestep. It is possible the minimum just happens for a 10 minute time step, with that valley being lost in an hourly plot. The average value of 60 CFM does seem low at first given the range of 40 CFM to 150 CFM, but since that only represents the occupied average, when the HVAC system is on, there is probably a lower value in the infiltration schedule you have associated with the space infiltration design flow rate object.

It might be worth investigating "2015 SEC - Office Infiltration" schedule and creating a plot matching the simulation time step.