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It seemed that running an .osm file from the measures folder created this error. Some loop is created that creates an infinite depth of directories.

So: Never run an .osm-file from the measures directory!!

Some loop occurs, recursively creating more and more directories. You'll be unable to delete the directories, since filenames are too long.

To remove these files, you need to use subst from command prompt and assign a drive letter (quite ugly solution, but works). Proceed as follows:

  • Open a command prompt, and cd into the offending directory until you cannot go further, then go a few directories back up
  • use subst to assign a drive letter to the offending directory. e.g. subst z: <dirname>
  • go to z:, and remove all files using del /s /q <dirname>, then rd /s /q <dirname>
  • In case you still get errors, go deeper in the tree, and assign a new driveletter to an offending directory (i could typically get 20 dirs deep), repeat until you can get to the lowest directory and remove everything. I had to use about 6 driveletter to get to the deepest level.
  • You may have several branches of offending directories, dig into each until you can remove all.

It seemed that running an .osm file from the measures folder created this error. Some loop is created that creates an infinite depth of directories.

So: Never run an .osm-file from the measures OpenStudio\Measures directory!!

Some loop occurs, recursively creating more and more directories. You'll be unable to delete the directories, since filenames are too long.

To remove these files, you need to use subst from command prompt and assign a drive letter (quite ugly solution, but works). Proceed as follows:

  • Open a command prompt, and cd into the offending directory until you cannot go further, then go a few directories back up
  • use subst to assign a drive letter to the offending directory. e.g. subst z: <dirname>
  • go to z:, and remove all files using del /s /q <dirname>, then rd /s /q <dirname>
  • In case you still get errors, go deeper in the tree, and assign a new driveletter to an offending directory (i could typically get 20 dirs deep), repeat until you can get to the lowest directory and remove everything. I had to use about 6 driveletter to get to the deepest level.
  • You may have several branches of offending directories, dig into each until you can remove all.