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With CBECC-COM, I would email CBECC support - , usually with the file and copy of the errors/problem. I would use CBECC-COM ticket system to look for answer. EnergyPro is easier, but sometimes you have to export to CBECC to fix a few things.

Here are the potential solutions: Take a look at your user log (.log in the folder) if it may indicate that something didn't finish running right.

1) To get the watermark off, make sure you're not in Quick Analysis mode.

2) Make sure you have the PDF checked in the Generate Report(s): option at the Project Level or Building Level window.

3) Another reason ( link ) could be it as well, which is online issue.

4) It could be a firewall thing.

5) It could be a failed security check if you have multiple version installed.

With CBECC-COM, I would email CBECC support - , usually with the file and copy of the errors/problem. I would use CBECC-COM ticket system to look for answer. EnergyPro is easier, but sometimes you have to export to CBECC to fix a few things.

Here are the potential solutions: Take a look at your user log (.log in the folder) if it may indicate that something didn't finish running right.

1) To get the watermark off, make sure you're not in Quick Analysis mode.

2) Make sure you have the PDF checked in the Generate Report(s): option at the Project Level or Building Level window.

3) Another reason ( link ) could be it as well, which is online issue.

4) It could be a firewall thing.

5) It could be a failed security check if you have multiple version versions installed.