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There are a few situations where creating windows and then surface matching would be problematic

  1. If you plan to use a WWR script/measure vs. manually drawing then you really want surface matching done first so the script/measure can identify interior vs. exterior surfaces.
  2. If you are going to have interior sub-surfaces and you use the measure based intersection vs. the SketchUp plugin then you will want to intersect/match and then add the interior windows. The measure based intersect doesn't find sub-surface intersections. Only base surfaces.

Can you provide some more details on the performance issue doing your full model vs. the test?

  1. How many spaces did your test model have?
  2. How many spaces is the full model? I would expect a model twice as big to take more than twice as long to intersect.
  3. How long did you wait for the full model intersect to run? And did you get any feedback while it was working?