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Hi. All the data that I from commercial manufacturers related to chiller performance with two compressors reflect the performance of the unit as a whole. My opinion is that you have two options:

  1. Look for the manufacturer data to check if you can build energy consumption, efficiency and capacity curves which reflects the performance of the chiller as a single unit with two compressors.
  2. Model two chillers in series with curves for each one. Curves can be equal or different, depending on manufacturer data.

Hi. All the data that I have from commercial manufacturers related to chiller performance with two compressors reflect reflects the performance of the unit as a whole. My opinion is that you have two options:

  1. Look for the manufacturer data to check if you can build energy consumption, efficiency and capacity curves which reflects the performance of the chiller as a single unit with two compressors.
  2. Model two chillers in series with curves for each one. Curves can be equal or different, depending on manufacturer data.