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The zone air outputs are described here. Essentially, the Zone Air Temperature is the well-stirred zone air temperature reported at each system time step. An EnergyPlus simulation can iterate multiple system timesteps within a single zone timestep, so the average of the system time step air temperatures is reported as the 'Zone Mean Air Temperature'.

Also, to be slightly nit-picky, these outputs are resulting from the EnergyPlus simulation; OpenStudio is an interface that supports EnergyPlus simulations.

The zone air outputs are described here. Essentially, the Zone Air Temperature is the well-stirred zone air temperature reported at each system time step. An EnergyPlus simulation can iterate multiple system timesteps time steps within a single zone timestep, time step, so the average of the system time step air temperatures is reported as the 'Zone Mean Air Temperature'.

Also, to be slightly nit-picky, these outputs are resulting from the EnergyPlus simulation; OpenStudio is an interface that supports EnergyPlus simulations.