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You can pick up a node temperature using the following sensor. However, this is the instantaneous outdoor temperature, not the daily average outdoor temperature.
OATemperatureVariable, !- Name
OutdoorAirNodeName, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Temperature; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
You would have to create an average value yourself using other information from the simulation.
This example shows how to log a trend variable. The number of time steps to "save" in the history is based on the zone time step. If there is 1 time step per hour, the number of zone time steps to save is 24. If there are 6 timesteps per hour, the number of zone time steps to save is 144.
OATemp, Name
OATemperatureVariable, !- EMS Variable Name
24; !- Number of Timesteps to be logged
Then in the EMS program average that trend over the number of time steps required to provide the daily average.
SET DailyAverageOATemp = @TrendAverage OATemp 24,
See the EMS example files for more information. Trend variables are exemplified in EMSDemandManager_LargeOffice.idf.