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If the autosizing is not working maybe it would be worth manually setting the heating capacity for the main VAV system. You might be able to pull the peak heating load for the system form the SS-J report in the .SIM file. This file can be accessed by going to the menu -> Tools -> View Simulation Output. Once you have the peak heating load you could try sizing the heating capacity with whatever oversizing factor you are comfortable with.

If the autosizing is not working maybe it would might be worth manually setting the heating capacity for the main VAV system. You might be able to pull the peak heating load for the system form the SS-J report in the .SIM file. This file can be accessed by going to the menu -> Tools -> View Simulation Output. Once you have the peak heating load you could try sizing the heating capacity with whatever oversizing factor you are comfortable with.

If the autosizing is not working maybe it might be worth manually setting the heating capacity for the main VAV system. You might be able to pull the peak heating load for the system form from the SS-J report in the .SIM file. This file can be accessed by going to the menu -> menubar > Tools -> > View Simulation Output. Once you have the peak heating load you could try sizing the heating capacity with whatever oversizing factor you are comfortable with.