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Setpoint Managers not showing up

I am editing a building that had hvac air loops controlled by setpoint manager scheduled. I have been trying to change them to a setpoint manager follow system node temperature. After I delete the existing setpoint manager and replace it with the desired one, the system does not recognize a setpoint manager. Although it's visible in the layout, if I go to the control tab in Openstudio, it says "Unknown or missing supply air temperature control. Try adding a setpoint manager to your system."

Is there something I need to enable to change the setpoint manager? I've tried a few other types of setpoint managers as well and they also don't seem to register.

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Setpoint Managers not showing up

I am editing a building that had hvac air loops controlled by setpoint manager scheduled. I have been trying to change them to a setpoint manager follow system node temperature. After I delete the existing setpoint manager and replace it with the desired one, the system does not recognize a setpoint manager. Although it's visible in the layout, if I go to the control tab in Openstudio, it says "Unknown or missing supply air temperature control. Try adding a setpoint manager to your system."

Is there something I need to enable to change the setpoint manager? I've tried a few other types of setpoint managers as well and they also don't seem to register.

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