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Why there are two pumps on each side?

image description There are 2 pumps on each side and I don't know de diference between this case and if there is only one pump on the left side with variable speed. Are they hydraulic or heat pumps?

Why there are two pumps on each side?

image description There are 2 pumps on each side and I don't know de diference between this case and if there is only one pump on the left side with variable speed. Are they hydraulic or heat pumps?

I also don't know the difference between pumps with variable speed and pumps with constant speed.

Why there are two pumps on each side?

image description There are 2 pumps on each side and I don't know de diference between this case and if there is only one pump on the left side with variable speed. Are they hydraulic or heat pumps?

I also don't know the difference between pumps with variable speed and pumps with constant speed.