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designbuilder v7 simple hvac seasonal cop has no effect

Working in simple HVAC mode, ideal loads, separate fan/pump power.

On the HVAC tab I've used multiple simple HVAC templates, as well as my own and varied the seasonal heating/cooling COP's from 0.8 to 5. These have no effect on the the heating/cooling energy use according to the annual summary energy end use report. Similarly, the HVAC template ventilation tab has a supply fan static pressure that appears to have no impact on energy use, nor does the auxiliary energy use (kwh/sf) on the general tab. Any idea what settings I'm ignoring?

designbuilder v7 simple hvac seasonal cop has no effect

Working in simple HVAC mode, ideal loads, separate fan/pump power.

On the HVAC tab I've used multiple simple HVAC templates, as well as my own and varied the seasonal heating/cooling COP's from 0.8 to 5. These have no effect on the the heating/cooling energy use according to the annual summary energy end use report. Similarly, the HVAC template ventilation tab has a supply fan static pressure that appears to have no impact on energy use, nor does the auxiliary energy use (kwh/sf) on the general tab. Any idea what settings I'm ignoring?