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Output variable from OpenStudio

Hello. I am using OpenStudio and I am trying to look for the incident solar radiation that is absorbed for a surface in my model (floor), because I want to graph it versus time using DView. For doing that, first, I need to select the apropiate output variable in the "output variable" tag of OS. However, I wasn't able to find any variable like that, in spite that, I have found in the "Input Output Reference" document of EnergyPlus a output variable such as "Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]". I would like to ask how I could get this output variable from OpenStudio to plot it in Dview. I appreciate any help about this. Thank you.

Output variable from OpenStudio

Hello. I am using OpenStudio and I am trying to look for the incident solar radiation that is absorbed for a surface in my model (floor), because I want to graph it versus time using DView. For doing that, first, I need to select the apropiate output variable in the "output variable" tag of OS. However, I wasn't able to find any variable like that, in spite that, I have found in the "Input Output Reference" document of EnergyPlus a output variable such as "Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]". I would like to ask how I could get this output variable from OpenStudio to plot it in Dview. I appreciate any help about this. Thank you.

Output variable from OpenStudio

Hello. I am using OpenStudio and I am trying to look for the incident solar radiation that is absorbed for a surface in my model (floor), because I want to graph it versus time using DView. For doing that, first, I need to select the apropiate output variable in the "output variable" tag of OS. However, I wasn't able to find any variable like that, in spite that, I have found in the "Input Output Reference" document of EnergyPlus a output variable such as "Surface Inside Face absorbed Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]". I would like to ask how I could get this output variable from OpenStudio to plot it in Dview. I appreciate any help about this. Thank you.

Output variable from OpenStudio

Hello. I am using OpenStudio and I am trying to look for the incident solar radiation that is absorbed for a surface in my model (floor), because I want to graph it versus time using DView. For doing that, first, I need to select the apropiate output variable in the "output variable" tag of OS. However, I wasn't able to find any variable like that, in spite that, I have found in the "Input Output Reference" document of EnergyPlus a output variable such as "Surface Inside Face absorbed Solar Radiation Rate [W]". I would like to ask how I could get this output variable from OpenStudio to plot it in Dview. I appreciate any help about this. Thank you.