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Does BeOpt support earth sheltered housing des

I would like to simulate the energy benefits of a south facing house that is earth sheltered on three sides with a passive solar design that enables heat gain from south facing windows. Can BeOpt enable this option? Also can BeOpt enable the use of south facing houses that are built into south facing slopes of up to 20 percent grade?

Does BeOpt support earth sheltered housing des

I would like to simulate the energy benefits of a south facing house that is earth sheltered on three sides with a passive solar design that enables heat gain from south facing windows. Can BeOpt enable this option? Also can BeOpt enable the use of south facing houses that are built into south facing slopes of up to 20 percent grade?

Does BeOpt support earth sheltered housing des

I would like to simulate the energy benefits of a south facing house that is earth sheltered on three sides with a passive solar design that enables heat gain from south facing windows. Can BeOpt enable this option? Also can BeOpt enable the use of south facing houses that are built into south facing slopes of up to 20 percent grade?