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Thermal comfort using revit annual energy

I'm wondering if anyone knows how to configure the umet parameter in the annual building energy simulation of Revit to ensure a thermal comfort level between a PMV of -1 to +1 across not less than 95% of the floor area of all occupied zones of the annual hours of operation.

Thermal comfort using revit annual energy

I'm wondering if anyone knows how to configure the umet parameter in the annual building energy simulation of Revit to ensure a thermal comfort level between a PMV of -1 to +1 across not less than 95% of the floor area of all occupied zones of the annual hours of operation.

Thermal comfort using revit annual energy

I'm wondering if anyone knows how to configure the umet parameter in the annual building energy simulation of Revit to ensure a thermal comfort level between a PMV of -1 to +1 across not less than 95% of the floor area of all occupied zones of the annual hours of operation.