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Invalid Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name

Hi all,

I am facing this error in my eplusout.err file after implementing Ideal Air Loads Zone HVAC measure from the BCL, which can be found here;

I ran the Ideal Air Loads Zone HVAC measure with both add_meters: True and add_meters: False as inputs, with the same error occurring.

* Severe * Invalid Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name =NODE XX

* ~~~ * For Output:Variable or Output:Meter = VARIABLE YY

* ~~~ * Entered in EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor=RES_DS_RES_ASHP_CENTRAL_HTG/CLG_AIR_SYSTEM...

* ~~~ * Unique Key Name not found.

* Fatal * Errors found in processing Energy Management System input. Preceding condition causes termination.

XX, YY indicate different/multiple nodes and output variables, respectively. (i.e., Node 22, Node 29, SYSTEM NODE HUMIDITY RATIO, SYSTEM NODE TEMPERATURE etc.)

I searched through my IDF and could not find an Output:EnergyManagementSystem object; maybe that is the cause of the fatal error?

Please advise! Thanks!

Invalid Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name

Hi all,

I am facing this error in my eplusout.err file after implementing Ideal Air Loads Zone HVAC measure from the BCL, which can be found here;

I ran the Ideal Air Loads Zone HVAC measure with both add_meters: True and add_meters: False as inputs, with the same error occurring.

* Severe * Invalid Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name =NODE XX

* ~~~ * For Output:Variable or Output:Meter = VARIABLE YY

* ~~~ * Entered in EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor=RES_DS_RES_ASHP_CENTRAL_HTG/CLG_AIR_SYSTEM...

* ~~~ * Unique Key Name not found.

* Fatal * Errors found in processing Energy Management System input. Preceding condition causes termination.

XX, YY indicate different/multiple nodes and output variables, respectively. (i.e., Node 22, Node 29, SYSTEM NODE HUMIDITY RATIO, SYSTEM NODE TEMPERATURE etc.)

I searched through my IDF and could not find an Output:EnergyManagementSystem object; maybe that is the cause of the fatal error?

Please advise! Thanks!