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water heater source - solar collector E+

I am analyzing the output data water heater sorce temperature inlet in a simulation with a solar collector, when extracting the values ​​I noticed that at a certain time the temperature drops considerably and then increases again. What can cause this sudden drop in temperature?

water heater source - solar collector E+

I am analyzing the output data water heater sorce source temperature inlet in a simulation with a solar collector, when extracting the values ​​I noticed that at a certain time the temperature drops considerably and then increases again. What can cause this sudden drop in temperature?

water heater source - solar collector E+

I am analyzing the output data water 'water heater source temperature inlet inlet' in a simulation with a solar collector, when extracting the values ​​I noticed that at a certain time the temperature drops considerably and then increases again. What can cause this sudden drop in temperature?