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Script for autosizing OS models?

Hello everyone,

I exported an OSM file from CBECC-Com which already had the proposed system capacities. Instead of manually autosizing the system, I wanted to know if there is a script I can use. I tried the 'Autosize' measure from BCL, but the capacities weren't autosized. Am I missing anything? Can I get some help on this? I am using OS 2.5 version. Thanks

Script for autosizing OS models?

Hello everyone,

I exported an OSM file from CBECC-Com which already had the proposed system capacities. Instead of manually autosizing the system, I wanted to know if there is a script I can use. I tried the 'Autosize' measure from BCL, but the capacities weren't autosized. Am I missing anything? Can I get some help on this? I am using OS 2.5 version. Thanks