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Humidity control not achieved in openstudio

Hi all, I am modeling a 5 story medium sized office in Tampa. HVAC system is a multi-zone single duct constant volume with no zonal reheat. The humidity and the temperature are controlled by the cooling and heating coils itself. I designed the HVAC system as district cooling and heating and have the humidity controls and setpoints (and managers) in the system as described here and set the sensor and actuator nodes as described in this link. The temperature controls are working perfectly with cooling and heating unmet hours within the recommended standards, but even with humidity controls, zone humidity values are all over the range. I'm not sure what is wrong, could someone point me in the right direction? I have attached the openstudio model files in this link.

Humidity control not achieved in openstudio

Hi all, I am modeling a 5 story medium sized office in Tampa. HVAC system is a multi-zone single duct constant volume with no zonal reheat. The humidity and the temperature are controlled by the cooling and heating coils itself. I designed the HVAC system as district cooling and heating and have the humidity controls and setpoints (and managers) in the system as described here and set the sensor and actuator nodes as described in this link. The temperature controls are working perfectly with cooling and heating unmet hours within the recommended standards, but even with humidity controls, zone humidity values are all over the range. I'm not sure what is wrong, could someone point me in the right direction? I have attached the openstudio model files in this link.