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Decoupled Cooling With Economizer Option OpenStudio

I would like to test a building option which uses chilled beams, but when the OA temperature is less than 55F it uses air cooling. I have a version of the model which VAV reheat, and a chilled beam version with min OA DOAS. But I am looking for a way to control the VAV serving the chilled beam zones to only air cool when the air-handler is in economizer mode. I can't seem to find a way to do this. Basically I want the VAV to provide minimum flow when OA is above 55F and cooling flow when below 55F. Can anyone suggest something for this?

Decoupled Cooling With Economizer Option OpenStudio

I would like to test a building option which uses chilled beams, but when the OA temperature is less than 55F it uses air cooling. I have a version of the model which VAV reheat, and a chilled beam version with min OA DOAS. But I am looking for a way to control the VAV serving the chilled beam zones to only air cool when the air-handler is in economizer mode. I can't seem to find a way to do this. Basically I want the VAV to provide minimum flow when OA is above 55F and cooling flow when below 55F. Can anyone suggest something for this?