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failed openstudio simulation with low temp radiant variable flow

Hi, I'm just starting to learn openstudio so be patient. I modeled a residential building with radiator system and the simulation was successful. then I wanted to simulate a radiant floor, and I used the measure "AedgOfficeHvacRadiantDoas". I've seen that the measure has changed some things: - created internal source (on the tab Constructions) that i've added in interior surface. - (on the tab thermal zone) replaced with temperature radiant variable flow in the zone that there was "Zone HVAC Baseboard Rad Conv Water" - (on the tab HVAC systems) created 4 new plants loop, deleting the old plant loop - (on the tab schedule) created 8 new schedules for the new plant loop. the simulation failed and I tried to clear the two ventilation systems because I did not want to simulate this system. obviously the problem was not there, so the simulation failed again. can anyone help me? thank you very much