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PTAC with economizer in eQUEST?

I am trying to model single package vertical units (like this Bard product line) with economizers in eQUEST - I was thinking the eQUEST "Pkgd Terminal AC" would be a good system approximation for this equipment but then I don't believe I can include an economizer with that system type in eQUEST. Any suggestions on how to include an economizer on a PTAC in eQUEST or is there another workaround I could try?

PTAC with economizer in eQUEST?

I am trying to model single package vertical units (like this Bard product line) with economizers in eQUEST - I was thinking the eQUEST "Pkgd Terminal AC" would be a good system approximation for this equipment but then I don't believe I can include an economizer with that system type in eQUEST. Any suggestions on how to include an economizer on a PTAC in eQUEST or is there another workaround I could try?