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District cooling/heating rate in measure "Tariff_Selection_Flat"

I used the measure "Tariff_Selection_Flat" to calculate the cost of purchased chilled water/hot water. In the measure, the unit for district cooling/heating is "$/kBtu". However, results show unreasonably low cost in $. It seems the unit in the measure should be "$/MMBtu". Is it a bug in the measure?

District cooling/heating rate in measure "Tariff_Selection_Flat"

I used the measure "Tariff_Selection_Flat" to calculate the cost of purchased chilled water/hot water. In the measure, the unit for district cooling/heating is "$/kBtu". "dollar/kBtu". However, results show unreasonably low cost in $. dollar. It seems the unit in the measure should be "$/MMBtu". Is it a bug in the measure?

District cooling/heating rate in measure "Tariff_Selection_Flat"

I used the measure "Tariff_Selection_Flat" to calculate the cost of purchased chilled water/hot water. In the measure, the unit for district cooling/heating is "dollar/kBtu". However, results show unreasonably low cost in dollar. It seems the unit in the measure should be "$/MMBtu". "$/therm". Is it a bug in the measure?

District cooling/heating rate in measure "Tariff_Selection_Flat"

I used the measure "Tariff_Selection_Flat" to calculate the cost of purchased chilled water/hot water. In the measure, the unit for district cooling/heating is "dollar/kBtu". However, results show unreasonably low cost in dollar. It seems the unit in the measure should be "$/therm". Is it a bug in the measure?