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Plant load distribution scheme getting reset from "Uniform" to "Sequential"

This is another plant equipment operation issue I have been experiencing and was hoping someone could provide an explanation of what is going on here.

I have a pretty standard CHW loop, which has a couple of chillers and three heat exchangers. The heat exchangers go to secondary CHW loops which serve multiple buildings. image description

Both chillers come on and operate together to meet cooling demands. I set the "Load Distribution Scheme" to "Uniform" in OpenStudio and pressed Play. For each loop (CHW and HW) that I've set to "Uniform", I get the following error.

" * Warning * GetPlant/CondenserLoopData: PlantLoop="CHW LOOP (SECONDARY BLDG 11 AND 12)", Invalid choice. * ~~~ * ...Load Distribution Scheme="UNIFORM". * ~~~ * Will default to SequentialLoad. " image description

Looks like E+ is changing the Load Distribution Scheme and the behavior of the chillers looks like a sequential load scheme to me. Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong here? Thanks! -N