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CalculateZoneVolume: The Zone="ROOM" is not fully enclosed. To be fully enclosed, each edge of a surface must also be an edge on one other surface.

asked 2022-09-12 03:13:16 -0500

samuelnavarro31's avatar

updated 2022-09-13 07:01:27 -0500

Hello, I’m doing a project about HVAC optimization and I’m using EnergyPlus to do it. It’s the first time I’m using it so I don’t know how to fully use the software. The room I am trying to simulate has interior rooms. So when I define the walls of theses rooms I chose interior walls materials. At first I was just adding simples walls, but EnergyPlus wasn't computing so I decides to defines entirely enclosed interior rooms (for each rooms I defined 4 walls, even if somes wall were on exteriror walls). But I keep havings these warnings only for the interior walls:

CalculateZoneVolume: The Zone="ROOM" is not fully enclosed. To be fully enclosed, each edge of a surface must also be an edge on one other surface.
**   ~~~   **   The zone volume was calculated using the floor area times ceiling height method where the floor and ceiling are the same except for the z-coordinates.
**   ~~~   **   The surface    "WALL_INT_SALADERIE_4" has an edge that is either not an edge on another surface or is an edge on three or more surfaces:
**   ~~~   **     Vertex start { 0.0000, 14.3950, 2.1000}
**   ~~~   **     Vertex end   { 0.0000, 25.2950, 2.1000}

I tried to change the Outside Boundary Condition of these walls (at first I only putted "Outdoors" and I though that it was the problem). So I tried to put "adiabatic" but it doesn't work this walls that have doors. So I mixed "outdoors" and "adiabatic"... But I still have the sames warnings.

I verified a lot of times the way I defined the walls. I always look at the wall from the outside, and I always start to define the top left corner point and then I go counter-clockwise (as I did with the outdoors walls like "FACE_NORD" etc... which don't have warnings). But still have the same warnings so I don't know what to do...

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Noticed the Z-axis coordinates of the edge @2.1m, which at first glance suggest an alignment with a 10.9m strip window head/lintel. Is this the case? There could be valid reasons for having a wall edge this "low" (e.g., half-height basements, switching constructions @wall mid-height), but alignment with subsurface edges isn't usually one of them. The simplest would be to share your IDF.

Denis Bourgeois's avatar Denis Bourgeois  ( 2022-09-13 06:19:32 -0500 )edit

Did you define the floor and ceiling for the zone?

JasonGlazer's avatar JasonGlazer  ( 2022-09-13 07:04:22 -0500 )edit

Thank you for your answer Denis . It is actually the case. How can I share you my IDF file ? I can't link a IDF from here can I ?

samuelnavarro31's avatar samuelnavarro31  ( 2022-09-13 07:12:20 -0500 )edit

Thank you for your answer Jason. I defined the floor and the ceiling for the zone called "ROOM"

samuelnavarro31's avatar samuelnavarro31  ( 2022-09-13 07:13:48 -0500 )edit

@samuelnavarro31 : Provide a link (e.g. Google Drive, OneDrive, even GitHub) to an online copy of the IDF.

Denis Bourgeois's avatar Denis Bourgeois  ( 2022-09-13 08:20:06 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2022-09-13 14:44:56 -0500

updated 2022-09-14 05:41:51 -0500

Looked over the IDF. FYI, here's excerpt of the SketchUp plugin import feedback:

This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as WALL_INT_RANGEMNTS_2.
This error cannot be automatically fixed.  The surface will not be drawn.

This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as FACE_SUD_1.
This error cannot be automatically fixed.  The surface will not be drawn.

Error:  FACE_SUD_2
This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as WALL_INT_HALL_1.
This error cannot be automatically fixed.  The surface will not be drawn.

Error:  FACE_NORD_2
This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as WALL_INT_BACS_3.
This error cannot be automatically fixed.  The surface will not be drawn.

Error:  FACE_EST_3
This planar surface shares the same SketchUp face as WALL_INT_BACS_2.
This error cannot be automatically fixed.  The surface will not be drawn.

This sub surface is not contained by its base surface, it cannot be drawn.

Warning:  A surface was subdivided because of connected geometry.
Added new surface Surface 1
You should check your geometry carefully for mistakes.

Warning:  A surface was subdivided because of connected geometry.
Added new surface Surface 2
You should check your geometry carefully for mistakes.

Removed duplicate drawing interface for object FACE_OUEST_1
Potential duplicate of object Surface 2

A general suggestion: As there are only 2x thermal zones in the model (PLENUM and ROOM), only PLENUM floors (with matching, interconnected ROOM ceilings) can be true interzone surfaces - interior walls and doors in the model aren't/can't. Specifying "Adiabatic" for such interior walls is OK, but the E+ InputOutput Reference does suggest adding mirrored surface clones to reflect true exposed interior wall areas. In the future, you may want to consider InternalMass objects as a simpler (and lighter) alternative.

Regardless, a number of interior walls in the model have "Outdoors" (instead of "Adiabatic") as Outside Boundary Conditions (e.g. "WALL_INT_BUREAU_3") ... something to fix.

In addition, I noted several issues with interconnected ROOM ceilings vs PLENUM floors:

  • there is 1x interzone ROOM ceiling facing "Ground" - should be facing "Surface"
  • the 3x other interzone ROOM ceilings are facing "Outdoors" - should also be facing "Surface"
  • the "Outside Boundary Condition Object" is left blank for all interzone ROOM ceilings
  • while the PLENUM floors correctly reference the interconnected ROOM ceilings, they also face "Outdoors"

That's enough to confuse E+. Maybe E+ has some built-in tolerances for some of these situations (I haven't tested any solutions), but I suggest fixing these inputs before moving on. Bonne chance!

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Thank you very much for this detailed feedback. I'll try to fix all these mistakes. I won't hesitate to come back to you if I still struggle. Merci !

samuelnavarro31's avatar samuelnavarro31  ( 2022-09-14 07:42:26 -0500 )edit

answered 2023-02-25 10:24:59 -0500

This warning can be caused by several different geometry input errors, but this video covers some causes for this issue:

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Asked: 2022-09-12 03:13:16 -0500

Seen: 416 times

Last updated: Feb 25 '23