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openmodelica - how to create a model of a room with floor heating and air exchange to outside ?

asked 2018-01-31 04:51:15 -0500

Mimi12345678's avatar

updated 2018-02-01 09:21:44 -0500

I am trying to model a room in OpenModelica but there are a few unclear points when using models from Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.MixedAir library.

For now, i want to model a room with floor heating, 3 walls connected to the inside of the house (const. temp.) and one wall with window on the exterior, exposed to the weather. The floor heating is modelled with radiantslabs.

until now i have this:

  Buildings.ThermalZones.Detailed.MixedAir mixedAir1(
  redeclare package Medium = Buildings.Media.Air, AFlo = 13.4, T_start = 273.15 + 22, datConExtWin(layers = {aussenwand}, A = 4.1875 * 2.67, glaSys = {glaSys}, hWin = 2, wWin = 1.5, ove(wR = {0}, wL = {0}, gap = {0}, dep = {0}), fFra = 0.25, til = Buildings.Types.Tilt.Wall, azi = {Buildings.Types.Azimuth.W}), energyDynamics = Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial, hRoo = 2.67, lat = 46.20, nConBou = 0, nConExt = 0, nConExtWin = 1, nConPar = 0, nSurBou = 5,  surBou(layers = {parkett, aussenwand, aussenwand, aussenwand, boden}, names = {"Boden","wallN", "WallE", "WallS", "ceiling"}, A = {13.4,4.81 * 2.6, 3.2 * 2.6, 4.81 * 2.6, 13.4}, absIR = {0.9,0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9}, absSol = {0.9,0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9}, til = {Buildings.Types.Tilt.Floor, Buildings.Types.Tilt.Wall, Buildings.Types.Tilt.Wall, Buildings.Types.Tilt.Wall, Buildings.Types.Tilt.Ceiling}), use_C_flow = false) "Room Model"
parameter Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.OpaqueConstructions.Generic boden(nLay = 5, material = {Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.Generic(x = 0.2, k = 1.8, c = 1100, d = 2400), Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.InsulationBoard(x = 0.02), Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.Plywood(x = 0.02), Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.Concrete(x = 0.08, nSta = 5), Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.Plywood(x = 0.01)}) "Material definition for Layers around FloorHeating" annotation(
    Placement(visible = true, transformation(extent = {{56, 104}, {76, 124}}, rotation = 0)));
parameter Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.OpaqueConstructions.Generic parkett(nLay = 1, material = { Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.Plywood(x = 0.01)}) "Material definition for floor(Parkett)" annotation(
    Placement(visible = true, transformation(extent = {{56, 104}, {76, 124}}, rotation = 0))) ;
replaceable parameter Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.OpaqueConstructions.Generic aussenwand(nLay = 3, material = {Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.GypsumBoard(x = 0.025), Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.Brick(x = 0.49), Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Solids.GypsumBoard(x = 0.01)}) "Material Aussenwände" annotation(
    Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {32, 76}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));

 parameter Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.GlazingSystems.DoubleClearAir13Clear glaSys(UFra = 2, shade = Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.Shades.Gray(), haveInteriorShade = false, haveExteriorShade = false) "Data record for the glazing system";

which leads to the error:

Type mismatch in array expression in component <Prefix.NOPRE()>. aussenwand is of type record Buildings.HeatTransfer.Data.OpaqueConstructions.Generic$parkett


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thanks for editing Jamie!

Mimi12345678's avatar Mimi12345678  ( 2018-02-01 10:57:26 -0500 )edit

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answered 2018-02-01 20:17:25 -0500

The translation error is because you assigned an instance of type


to the instance surBou but surBou requires an instance of type



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aaah ok! thank you very much :)

Mimi12345678's avatar Mimi12345678  ( 2018-02-02 01:38:50 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2018-01-31 04:51:15 -0500

Seen: 622 times

Last updated: Feb 01 '18