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Trouble Running Simulation, Errors occurred on processing IDF file.

asked 2017-12-26 18:37:16 -0500

Draza's avatar

updated 2018-05-09 15:38:46 -0500

Hello, I am having trouble running my model. It seems to work fine when I enable ideal air loads, however when I try to run with the built HVAC system the simulation fails. There are three PTAC, one split system, and three cooling coils fed from a plant loop utilizing district heating and cooling.

Here is some of the err file

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 8.7.0-78a111df4a, YMD=2017.12.26 15:54,IDD_Version 8.7.0
************* IDF Context for following error/warning message:
************* Note -- lines truncated at 300 characters, if necessary...
*************   2555 Coil:Heating:Water,
************* indicated Name=VAV HW Rht Coil
************* Only last 5 lines before error line shown.....
*************   2556   VAV HW Rht Coil,                        !- Name
*************   2557   Always On Discrete 1,                   !- Availability Schedule Name
*************   2558   Autosize,                               !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
*************   2559   Autosize,                               !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
*************   2560   ,                                       !- Water Inlet Node Name
** Severe  ** IP: IDF line~2560 Error detected in Object=COIL:HEATING:WATER, name=VAV HW RHT COIL
**   ~~~   ** Field [Water Inlet Node Name] is required but was blank
************* IDF Context for following error/warning message:
************* Note -- lines truncated at 300 characters, if necessary...
*************   2555 Coil:Heating:Water,
************* indicated Name=VAV HW Rht Coil
************* Only last 6 lines before error line shown.....
*************   2556   VAV HW Rht Coil,                        !- Name
*************   2557   Always On Discrete 1,                   !- Availability Schedule Name
*************   2558   Autosize,                               !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
*************   2559   Autosize,                               !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
*************   2560   ,                                       !- Water Inlet Node Name
*************   2561   ,                                       !- Water Outlet Node Name

** Severe  ** IP: IDF line~8184 Error detected in Object=COIL:HEATING:WATER, name=VAV HW RHT COIL 7
**   ~~~   ** Field [Water Outlet Node Name] is required but was blank
** Severe  ** IP: IDF line~11579 Object=CONTROLLER:MECHANICALVENTILATION, name=CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 2, Required Field=[Zone 1 Name] was blank.
** Severe  ** IP: IDF line~11911 Object=CONTROLLER:MECHANICALVENTILATION, name=CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 3, Required Field=[Zone 1 Name] was blank.
** Severe  ** IP: IDF line~12243 Object=CONTROLLER:MECHANICALVENTILATION, name=CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 4, Required Field=[Zone 1 Name] was blank.
** Severe  ** IP: IDF line~12604 Object=CONTROLLER:MECHANICALVENTILATION, name=CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 8, Required Field=[Zone 1 Name] was blank.
** Severe  ** IP: IDF line~12916 Object=CONTROLLER:MECHANICALVENTILATION, name=CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 7, Required Field=[Zone 1 Name] was blank.
** Severe  ** IP: IDF line~13195 Object=CONTROLLER:MECHANICALVENTILATION, name=CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 6, Required Field=[Zone 1 Name] was blank.
** Severe  ** IP: IDF line~13465 Object=CONTROLLER:MECHANICALVENTILATION, name=CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 9, Required Field=[Zone 1 Name] was blank.
************* IDF Context for following error/warning message:
************* Note -- lines truncated at 300 characters, if necessary...
*************  13629 SetpointManager:SingleZone:Reheat,
************* indicated Name=Setpoint Manager Single Zone Reheat 5
************* Only last 5 lines before error line shown.....
*************  13630   Setpoint Manager Single Zone Reheat 5,  !- Name
*************  13631   Temperature,                            !- Control Variable
*************  13632   -99,                                    !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
*************  13633   99,                                     !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
*************  13634   ,                                       !- Control Zone Name 

**   ~~~   ** Field [Zone ...
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@gnava Please Tag the program you are using (probably OS). Please describe how did you insert the PTACs into the model (Measure?).

Avi's avatar Avi  ( 2017-12-27 00:37:06 -0500 )edit

I have updated the tags to reflect the program that I am using (OS). For that package units, I used the "package Rooftop Unit" template on the HVAC tab and simply dragged my zone to the demand side. I have updated the original post to shot screenshots

Draza's avatar Draza  ( 2017-12-27 11:53:08 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2017-12-27 12:03:48 -0500


* ~~~ * Field [Water Inlet Node Name] is required but was blank"

Your reheat coil needs to be connected to a hot water loop. See this post on connecting terminal equipment to plant loops. There may be other errors too.

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Thanks! That was a simple oversight.

any idea on the solution for this one?

** Severe  ** IP: IDF line~12916 Object=CONTROLLER:MECHANICALVENTILATION, name=CONTROLLER MECHANICAL VENTILATION 7, Required Field=[Zone 1 Name] was blank.
Draza's avatar Draza  ( 2017-12-27 12:22:34 -0500 )edit

Add design days, and make sure you have DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir objects specified.

mdahlhausen's avatar mdahlhausen  ( 2017-12-27 12:33:04 -0500 )edit

Awesome! thank you!

Draza's avatar Draza  ( 2017-12-27 13:03:15 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2017-12-26 18:37:16 -0500

Seen: 311 times

Last updated: Dec 27 '17