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We, Foobot team, have released Grafener, an EnergyPlus csv output visualization tool based on the famous Grafana project.

We had several goals:

  • provide rich data transformation and visualization features, even for non python/SQL experts
  • persist data visualizations and dashboards to ease long term projects and analysis
  • allow comparing several experiments in a single place
  • allow collaboration by sharing access to experiments data (Grafana has simple but powerful user management features)
  • embed EnergyPlus simulation results in a custom web app (iframe, ...)


  • while there is no major blocker, Grafener has been developed and tested on Linux. Using it on Windows is doable but requires extra steps that are not included in present documentation.

I hope it can be useful to you, of course don't hesitate to reach out to us on GitHub - bug reports are welcome!

We, Foobot team, have released Grafener, Grafener, an EnergyPlus csv output visualization tool based on the famous Grafana project.

We had several goals:

  • provide rich data transformation and visualization features, even for non python/SQL experts
  • persist data visualizations and dashboards to ease long term projects and analysis
  • allow comparing several experiments in a single place
  • allow collaboration by sharing access to experiments data (Grafana has simple but powerful user management features)
  • embed EnergyPlus simulation results in a custom web app (iframe, ...)


  • while there is no major blocker, Grafener has been developed and tested on Linux. Using it on Windows is doable but requires extra steps that are not included in present documentation.

I hope it can be useful to you, of course don't hesitate to reach out to us on GitHub - bug reports are welcome!