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It appears that the measure gets copied into the measures sub-folder of the folder that is associated with the .osm file. This only copies the resources sub-folder of the measure and within it only files - not sub-sub-folders. I tend to spread my measures out into several .rb files, so that common functionality is maintained in common files, and I tend to keep these .rb files in a functions sub-folder of the measure, not the resources sub-folder.

This is fine when using Apply Measure Now, but when using the Measure tab, said copying takes place and any files not in the resources sub-folder as well as any sub-sub-folders in the resources sub-folder then get lost, hence breaking the measure.

So, I moved all my functions from the functions sub-folder to the resources sub-folder, and now it works. I understand this from a "simplicity of coding the OSM Application perspective", but it complicates measure maintainability, and if there are lots of data files (e.g. tariffs) in addition to function files, then the resources sub-folder becomes messy pretty quickly.

Oh well, at least it is solved.