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You are correct that the dual duct terminals are not available in OS, but beginning in 1.5 we have the AirTerminalSingleDuctSupplySideMixer. I know you said your model is version 1.4, so upgrading might not be an option for you. If however you want to migrate to 1.5, then to use the SupplySideMixer you add the terminal like any other, then you can drop the FCU on the terminal outlet node. All of the connections will be made for you. You must have the supply side mixer in place before you try to drop the FCU otherwise it will not be allowed inside the AirLoopHVAC topology.

For the dual duct terminal I suggest that you use one of the single duct terminals in OS. Then apply an EnergyPlus Measure to swap out the place holder terminal with the dual duct terminal. Since I expect you only need one leg of the dual duct the connections should all be in place, and the EnergyPlus measure should only need to swap one object for another.