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I'm not sure how important T24-2016 vs 2019 templates are to the OP.. What Eric linked to is the 2016 App5.4 docs.. It took us a while to find these for 2019 as they moved them into the software source code files. Here's where they are for me in Windows:

C:\Users\gcoll\Documents\CBECC-Com 2019.1.2 Data\Documents\RulesetSource\T24N\Rules\Tables

For space data: App5-4A_SpaceBySpace-T24N_2019.csv

I'm not sure where schedules are for 2019 but I'm sure you could use the 2016 schedules pretty safely for your purpose if you can't find them. Envelope constructions are in a few files there, but you might also check this previous post.

Good luck! Let us know if you build something cool.