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@Yuna, I haven't used the new EnergyPro interface, but with CBECC-Com you can specify a primary heating/cooling system as well as a separate primary ventilation system. So whilst in the old EnergyPro you had to create a dummy zone to house the outside air, in CBECC-Com you should be able to create a seperate airside system to handle the ventilation requirements. I would suggest downloading the CBECC-Com GUI provided here and looking at their DOAS example.

@Yuna, I haven't used the new EnergyPro interface, but with CBECC-Com you can specify a primary heating/cooling system as well as a separate primary ventilation system. So whilst in the old EnergyPro you had to create a dummy zone to house the outside air, in CBECC-Com you should be able to create a seperate airside system to handle the ventilation requirements. I would suggest downloading the CBECC-Com GUI provided here here and looking at their DOAS example.