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While I can't say why those exports didn't work correctly, I can state that neither does what you're attempting to do. The export Analysis Spreadsheet functionality is/was intended to export a spreadsheet suitable as a starting point for large-scale parametric analysis or optimization. That workflow is documented here.

PAT 1.x was designed to pretty much generate only what you see in the results table and not much more. Cutting and pasting from the results tab is a possibility, as is scripted analysis that scrapes results from the individual data point directories located in your PAT project.

The upcoming version of PAT (2.x) has been redesigned from the ground-up, and will provide a number of mechanisms to get data out of your project. It has more of a client/server structure, and the server allows data dumps into R, csv, etc. The team is also adding the concept of a "Project Measure." This is a new type of Reporting Measure (Ruby script) that can pull results from multiple data points and create custom reports, plots, etc. The new app will come with some example Project Measures built in as starting points for making your own.