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In the default installation of EnergyPlus, when using EP-Launch, the Energy+.ini is not necessary. If you have one in the installation directory, try removing it and see if you still get that message. The message that you see is generated by the ExpandObjects processor that handles mostly the HVACTemplate objects. If you are using EP-Launch and ExpandObjects is in the installation directory and the Energy+.idd file is also in the same installation directory and the installation directory is the default such as c:\EnergyPlusV8-5-0 then you not get that message.

When ExpandObjects starts, it looks for the Energy+.ini file and if it finds one, it uses the directory name specified by the line dir= in the [program] group of lines. Even when this was commonly included in the installation the Energy+.ini file often looked like:


If the dir= is specified in your Energy+.ini file, it should point to the directory that the Energy+.idd file is located. By default, the installation does not include the Energy+.ini file and then ExpandObjects just looks in the same directory that it is in for the Energy+.idd file.

If you are not using EP-Launch but are using the command line interface or a batch file things can get a little more complicated because ExpandObjects is expecting to be run directly from the directory where it exists.