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You are correct that EnergyPlus does not model adsorption chillers. And you are correct that absorption and adsorption are physically different processes. However the absorption chiller model is not a physics based model - it is a performance-based model using curve fits and as such could fit any apparatus having the same inputs and outputs. So theoretically there is a good chance that the adsorption chiller could be modeled using the Chiller:Absorption:Indirect. Of course practice could turn out to be different! The first step would be to find performance data for an adsorption chiller and figure out which of the curves in Chiller:Absorption:Indirect need to be changed. Some may be irrelevant and need to beset to a constant. Pumps may be irrelevant etc, and their consumption set to zero. Until you have performance data for an adsorption chiller it will be impossible to know for sure if it can be modeled using the absorption chiller component.