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Switching the master and slave zones

Hi everyone. I have 2 zones in a building and my HVAC system is all air. I have defined a furnace for heating and cooling coil which consumes electricity. I also have defined AirloopHVAC:Unitary:Furnace:HeatCool and in this part I have to choose my controlled (master) zone. I don't want to choose one because the master zone is a variable in my case which depends on time. I mean my problem is that I want to write a code so the master and slave zone can be switched alternatively (based on occupancy which is determined base on a constant schedule)

I'm new to Energyplus and recently I've got that I can use EMS but I cannot understand what should I put in Field: Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name part or Field: Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name. The examples of EP version 9.5 that have EMS didn't help me. I want to know what is the Index Key Name in this problem that I explained.

And I don't know what is the Field: Actuated Component Unique Name in my case in EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator part.

Switching the master and slave zones

Hi everyone. I have 2 zones in a building and my HVAC system is all air. I have defined a furnace for heating and cooling coil which consumes electricity. I also have defined AirloopHVAC:Unitary:Furnace:HeatCool and in this part I have to choose my controlled (master) zone. I don't want to choose one because the master zone is a variable in my case which depends on time. I mean my problem is that I want to write a code so the master and slave zone can be switched alternatively (based on occupancy which is determined base on a constant schedule)

I'm new to Energyplus and recently I've got that I can use EMS but I cannot understand what should I put in Field: Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name part or Field: Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name. The examples of EP version 9.5 that have EMS didn't help me. I want to know what is the Index Key Name in this problem that I explained.

And I don't know what is the Field: Actuated Component Unique Name in my case in EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator part.

Switching the master and slave zones

Hi everyone. I have 2 zones in a building and my HVAC system is all air. I have defined a furnace for heating and cooling coil which consumes electricity. I also have defined AirloopHVAC:Unitary:Furnace:HeatCool and in this part I have to choose my controlled (master) zone. I don't want to choose one because the master zone is a variable in my case which depends on time. I mean my problem is that I want to write a code so the master and slave zone can be switched alternatively (based on occupancy which is determined base on a constant schedule)

I'm new to Energyplus and recently I've got that I can use EMS but I cannot understand what should I put in Field: Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name part or Field: Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name. The examples of EP version 9.5 that have EMS didn't help me. I want to know what is the Index Key Name in this problem that I explained.

And I don't know what is the Field: Actuated Component Unique Name in my case in EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator part.