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TRNSYS_Heat Pump and Battery Bank

Hi, Is it possible to model a heat pump in Trnsys that is electrically powered by a storage battery recharged by a PV/T system? If so, how can this model be implemented? Thank you to those who can give me guidance.

TRNSYS_Heat Pump and Battery Bank

Hi, Is it possible to model a heat pump in Trnsys that is electrically powered by a storage battery recharged by a PV/T system? If so, how can this model be implemented? Thank you to those who can give me guidance.

TRNSYS_Heat Pump and Battery Bank

Hi, Is it possible to model a heat pump in Trnsys that is electrically powered by a storage battery recharged by a PV/T system? If so, how can this model be implemented? Thank you to those who can give me guidance.