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Radiance OpenStudio Error

asked 2021-07-20 19:57:57 -0500

Khosro's avatar

updated 2021-08-14 08:49:36 -0500

Radiance problem

I used OpenStudio Application 1.1.0 with Radiance for a simple case that encountered an error and failed. Then to ensure, I used the “measure_test_model.osm” in the radiance_measure folder from BCL and also other cases, but I always encountered the following error. I checked the Unmet Hours and google for the same problem, but nobody has reported this error.

Any suggestions? I appreciate your consideration.

Applying RadianceMeasure
  Result: Fail
  Error: undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
    C:/Users/Lari/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-1626798855-1/resources/measures/RadianceMeasure/measure.rb:1320:in `block (2 levels) in parseResults'
    C:/Users/Lari/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-1626798855-1/resources/measures/RadianceMeasure/measure.rb:1252:in `each'
    C:/Users/Lari/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-1626798855-1/resources/measures/RadianceMeasure/measure.rb:1252:in `block in parseResults'
    C:/Users/Lari/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-1626798855-1/resources/measures/RadianceMeasure/measure.rb:1248:in `times'
    C:/Users/Lari/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-1626798855-1/resources/measures/RadianceMeasure/measure.rb:1248:in `parseResults'
    C:/Users/Lari/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-1626798855-1/resources/measures/RadianceMeasure/measure.rb:1203:in `runSimulation'
    C:/Users/Lari/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-1626798855-1/resources/measures/RadianceMeasure/measure.rb:2466:in `run'
    :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.1.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb:515:in `apply_measure'
    :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.1.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb:114:in `block in apply_measures'
    :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.1.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb:67:in `each_index'
    :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.1.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb:67:in `apply_measures'
    :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.1.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/jobs/run_os_measures.rb:70:in `perform'
    :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.1.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/run.rb:292:in `step'
    :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.1.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/run.rb:234:in `run'
    :/openstudio_cli.rb:971:in `execute'
    :/openstudio_cli.rb:761:in `execute'
    :/openstudio_cli.rb:1755:in `<main>'
    eval:175:in `eval'
    eval:175:in `require_embedded_absolute'
    eval:160:in `block in require_embedded'
    eval:154:in `each'
    eval:154:in `require_embedded'
    eval:113:in `require'
    eval:3:in `<main>'
  Info: Begin Encoding.default_external = UTF-8
  Info: Begin Encoding.default_internal = 
  Info: Radiance multiprocessing features are not supported on Windows.
  Info: Using 1 core(s) for Radiance jobs
  Info: Found Radiance at: C:\openstudioapplication-1.1.0\Radiance
  Info: Found Perl at: 
  Info: Found EnergyPlus at: C:\openstudioapplication-1.1.0\EnergyPlus\energyplus.exe
  Info: Radiance version: NREL 5.0.a.12 (by googs 2016.10.04) based on RADIANCE 5.0 Official Release by G. Ward
  Info: Radiance binary dir: C:\openstudioapplication-1.1.0\Radiance\bin
  Info: Radiance library dir: C:\openstudioapplication-1.1.0\Radiance\lib
  Info: Translating OpenStudio 2.x model to Radiance format...
  Info: OpenStudio CLI version: 3.1.0+82d3ea2978
  Info: Working directory: 'C:\Users\Lari\AppData\Local\Temp\osmodel-1626798855-1\resources\run\000_RadianceMeasure\radiance'
  Info: epw2wea "C:\Users\Lari\AppData\Local\Temp\osmodel-1626798855-1\resources\files\USA_CO_Golden-NREL.724666_TMY3.epw" wx\in.wea
  Info: added glare sensor ...
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Update: I have checked different versions of OS (OS Application 1, 1.1, and 1.2) with different laptops. I also installed Strawberry Perl. But I have always got the same Failed result. Is it possible that there might be a problem with the last radiance_measure?

Khosro's avatar Khosro  ( 2021-07-22 19:55:10 -0500 )edit

You can check this link. It seems that the latest Radiance Measure in the BCL has a problem. I think you should use the method used in the mentioned link.

MohammadAli's avatar MohammadAli  ( 2021-08-18 11:26:26 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2022-02-18 09:58:31 -0500

CraigF's avatar

I was getting that same error and after some consultations, we realized that the measure was calling for a glare sensor even though it shouldn't be mandatory. I added a glare sensor to the model and it compiled, so you may want to try that. I am using application 1.1.0 and sketchup 2019.

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answered 2022-02-17 14:18:20 -0500

I encountered this same problem. If you look on the ruby file at line 1320 (as the error states), it is referencing a glare sensor. I did not have a glare sensor in my model at first. When I installed the glare sensor, the model ran just fine.

I am not sure why radiance needs the glare sensor; it may just be the measure is expecting it and did not find it, and therefore throws an error.

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Is line 1320 the same as this one?

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2022-02-17 14:57:04 -0500 )edit

Yes, that is the one

Ski90Moo's avatar Ski90Moo  ( 2022-02-17 16:27:41 -0500 )edit

Thanks for opening (putting it for reference).

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2022-02-18 05:28:46 -0500 )edit

Thank you Julien

Ski90Moo's avatar Ski90Moo  ( 2022-02-18 09:53:48 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2021-07-20 18:36:22 -0500

Seen: 396 times

Last updated: Feb 17 '22