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Use an OtherEquipment object and specify 1.0 (100%) in the latent fraction field

Use an OtherEquipment object OtherEquipment object and specify 1.0 (100%) in the latent fraction field


Forgot to mention that Fuel Type should be "None". Like this:

  LatentLoad_Veg:Zone1, !- Name 
  None, !- Fuel Type 
  Zone1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name 
  latent_sched, !- Schedule Name 
  Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method 
  0, !- Design Level {W} 
  20, !- Power per Zone Floor Area {W/m2} 
  0, !- Power per Person {W/person} 
  1, !- Fraction Latent 
  0, !- Fraction Radiant 
  0; !- Fraction Lost

One more thing... My example adds only latent energy by selecting "None" as the fuel type, If you want energy to be consumed then a different object is needed.